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Top > SongTrellis Site How-Tos > How To Submit A Workscore Arrangement To the Harmony Projects
 Once you have a finished score recorded in your Workscore, you can submit its chord progression to the Harmony Projects section of SongTrellis via the Workscore Chord Entry or Chord Entry By Grid pages.
 There is a "Submit To SongTrellis HarmonyProjects" button on each of those pages. This will launch a form that will allow you to describe your submission. Type a Title for your submission, credit the composer of the progression you typed, and type any explanatory text that you would like SongTrellis visitors to see. When you press the "Submit Your Workscore" button, at the bottom of the form, your Workscore contents will be transmitted to Harmony Projects and will be indexed under your name.
Editor: David Luebbert; Updated: 12/11/15; 1682 hits.

Last update: Friday, November 10, 2000 at 12:50 PM.