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Top > SongTrellis - Music And Musical Know-How For You > Dave Luebbert's Favorite Recordings > Jazz > John Coltrane > Coltrane's music is strong stuff. If you are unprepared, it will overwhelm you and leave you bewildered. > He can play very fast.
 Listening to Trane, you have to give up the idea that you are going to catch every note as it blows past you. Instead, the notes melt together and give you a composite feeling. There is a lot of evidence that when he was playing his fastest he was playing notes that outline a chord so you can hear him play chords against what his piano player was playing.
Editor: David Luebbert; Updated: 5/27/08; 124 hits.

Last update: Friday, November 10, 2000 at 12:50 PM.