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Top > SongTrellis - Music And Musical Know-How For You > Cool links
Conga Joy - a site that offers many educational materials for hand drummers. Conga Joy is run by Bill Matthews who was my hand drumming teacher for two years. His Conga Joy book is the source of a number of the MIDI sequences presented in The Rhythms.
Ralph Patt's Vanilla Book Index - Ralph Patt has compiled a collection of chord notation of several hundred chord sequences for standard and jazz tunes that jazz musicians like to play. In the Vanilla Book he has attempted to present the chord sequences as simply as possible without harmonic adornments in order to allow performers the widest possible latitude when performing these tunes. Simplified versions of many of the chord sequences offered in The Changes can be found in this index. Clicking on links in the index takes you to a listing of the vanilla changes for the tune.
Ralph Patt's Tonal Centers Page - In this section of his site, Mr. Patt has cataloged a large number of harmonic sequences that are commonly used in standards and jazz tunes. The links on this page take you to pages that list tunes that share the named harmonic device. If you follow one of these links to a particular tune, it shows a listing of that tune's changes which shows the part of the tune that uses that harmonic device highlighted.
ASCAP ACE repretoire database - ASCAP is the performing rights organization which collects broadcast and performance royalties for most classical music and music written for film that is still under copyright. The ACE database identifies the composer, lyricist and publisher of the tunes that it licenses. I frequently title search this database to identify the composer of chord sequences listed in The Changes on this site.
BMI HyperRepretoire database title search - Broadcast Music, Inc (BMI) is the performing rights organization which collects broadcast and performance royalties for most rock, jazz, country, rap, blues and other popular tunes. ASCAP and BMI handle almost all of the music licensed in the United States, so if a tune doesn't appear in the ASCAP database it almost always is listed here.
Editor: David Luebbert; Updated: 5/27/08; 1602 hits. Suggest a link.

Last update: Friday, November 10, 2000 at 12:50 PM.